Sunday, April 13, 2008

A glimpse of the end

There I was, bidding goodbye, to friends and family, to every one that mattered to me. Some were sad, most were crying, but I was at peace. There wasn't any emotion in me, I couldn't fell a thing, it was a very weired experience. I was going, going on a long journey, with no idea of where I was going to end up. I wasn't taking any of my belongings, for none were required for the journey. But then I started breathing again, breathing fast, breathing heavy. I was wet, drenched in sweat. My mouth was dry and longed for water. My head was spinning, and hurting too. I was still alive, in my room. It was dark, it was hot. The fan wasn't spinning. Damn it. I felt better in the dream where I was dead.

2 comments: said...


Wolfestine said...

Greetings visitor :)

I think this post requires a lil background to it. It is the narration of nightmare that woke me up to a hang-over ;) in the midst of a power-cut. But yeah, it still is creepy.